I'm Josh Peek, an associate astronomer,
Head of the Data Science Mission Office at STScI
I work on the diffuse universe and
improving scientific accessibility and productivity
with archives and data science methods.
We have moved from asking What is in the universe? to How did the those things come to be?
I try to answer this question by examining the diffuse phase of the universe. The story of every object in the universe can be simply told as "diffuse material became dense under the influence of gravity". My work aims to understand the flow of this diffuse material. To do this I use spectroscopic measurements of gas, observations of dust, and vaarious machine vision and machine learning methods. I do this work with numerous collaborators, including Radio Quiet folks and members of the ISM*@ST Group

Deep Learning
I use deep learning methods to extract information from astronomical images about the physical state of the interstellar medium and galaxies. I am also exploring how we can use deep learning tools to explore astronomical archives.

Dust Maps
I developed a novel technique to directly measure the optical reddening from the interstellar medium, and find errors in the standard SFD98 dust map. I've also extended this work to the ultraviolet using GALEX.

Galactic Fibers
I explore and characterize diffuse, fibrous features in the neutral interstellar medium which we discovered with GALFA-HI. Their strongly magnetized character makes them powerful probes of the dynamic ISM and polarized CMB foregrounds.

Kinetic Tomography
I work on methods that combine data from 3D extinction maps with cubes from radio telescopes (CO, HI) as well as stellar absoption lines in pursuit of the velocity field Galaxy.

Circumgalactic Medium
I study the gas that surrounds galaxies, filling their dark matter halos, and feeding their star formation. I do this with high velocity clouds in HI, simulations, absorption lines, and dust. I am the PI of an HST/COS large program called QuaStar

Interstellar Institute
I am the founding co-director of the Interstellar Institute (I2). I2 is a collaborative group of astronomers that attends and supports a yearly, month-long workshop at the Intitut Pascal at Paris-Saclay University. I encourage you to join us next year!
STScI Data Science Mission Office & MAST
At STScI I am the Head of the Data Science Mission Office and I am the PI of the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes.

I am the former Principal Investigator for the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes. I continute to support Susan Mullally in her role as PI. MAST's mission is "to maximize the scientific accessibility and productivity of astronomical data".

STScI is a member institution of SDSS-V, the fifth generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey; I serve as our representative to the Advisory Council. One of STScI's contributions to SDSS will be SDSS-Legacy, which will serve as the final archive for all SDSS data in perpetuity. I co-lead this project with Adam Bolton; SDSS-Legacy is a cross-AURA project and will be shared between NOAO and STScI.
Science is storytelling. I tell scientific stories and help others do the same.

I like giving astronomy colloquia. Lately I've been speaking about the intersection of machine learning & astronomy. Give me a shout if you'd like me to come speak.
Radio Quiet
My academic research group is called Radio Quiet; I guess I have a habit of working with fellow radio astronomers on something other than radio astronomy. Radio Quiet also has Eddie Schlafly and Claire Murray as PIs. I have advised PhD students at Columbia University and Johns Hopkins University, where I am an Associate Research Scientist. I also supervise postdocs at JHU and STScI
I have been at this long enough now that I have some graduates of my group doing wonderful things!

Dr. Claire Murray
I supervised Dr. Murray's postdoctoral work on phases of the interstellar medium and SMC dynamics. She is now an assistant astronomer at STScI.

Dr. Kirill Tchernyshyov
I advised Dr. Tchernyshyov on his PhD work developing the field of Kinetic Tomography using applied mathematics methods. He now works in green energy consulting.
About Me